13 May 2007

Personality Probing ...

Well here is a glimpse into the person behind the keyboard -- not just the persona.

You are more withdrawn than social, more calm than anxious, more structured than unplanned/spontaneous, more accommodating than strong willed, more inventive than conventional.
You are a private person who finds serenity in structure but remains flexible and inventive in the face of change.

Tradition. Integrity. Electricity.

Your Personality Type:

Average Extroversion
The Extroversion domain measures traits related to the enthusiasm and interest you show towards others. People who score high on this domain are outgoing and friendly; people who score low tend to be reserved and serious. You scored average on this domain indicating that you are fairly balanced in your desire to be with others or spend time alone. You are social, but not overly so, appreciating parties and other social gatherings as well as enjoying your alone time.

High Emotional Stability 
The Emotional Stability domain measures the way in which you react to stressful or emotional situations. People who score high on this domain are relaxed and fairly worry-free; people who score low have strong emotions and may be prone to sadness. You scored high on this domain indicating that you are self confident, secure with who you are and remain calm in stressful situations. You take criticism well and don't take things too personally. Because your emotions remain fairly even, others find you a pleasure to be around as you are consistent in your interactions.

High Orderliness
The Orderliness domain measures your drive and organization. People who score high on this domain are organized and conscientious; people who score low are laid back and prefer to act spontaneously. You scored high on this domain indicating that you are an orderly, responsible individual who sets high goals. You work hard to succeed at all that you do. You like to plan ahead and work by a schedule. You are punctual, neat, and well organized.

High Accommodation
The Accommodation domain measures how you interact with others. People who score high on this domain are soft hearted and cooperative; people who score low tend to be more hard headed and competitive. You scored high on this domain indicating that you are a compassionate, tender hearted individual who is generally trusting of others. You are enjoyable to be around, get along with most anyone and forgive easily. You dislike conflicts and may avoid unpleasant topics of conversation because of this.

High Inquisitiveness
The Inquisitiveness domain measures your openness to new experience. People who score high on this domain are curious and open minded; people who score low are more traditional and seek out the familiar. You scored high on this domain indicating that you welcome new experiences. You enjoy learning and doing new things. You have a broad range of interests, an active imagination and accept change in your life with relative ease.


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