04 December 2009

Mini Quiches in Review & Nancy's Product Give Away!

The most successful host & hostesses have an arsenal of tricks they have tucked away in their little entertaining hats. Cabinets and pantries stand at attention year-round, stocked with dinnerware, decorations and edibles. These entertaining geniuses can layout their hospitable spreads within moments of a surprise pop-in or short notice dinner party.

If you are one of these people - lucky you, you have mastered the art of snatching a mini quiche from the masters' hand IMDB. For those of you who aren't entertaining gurus - you have much to learn, and remain the grasshoppers W of social hospitality.

Photo Credit WordRidden
I mentioned quiche - what is quiche? In French cuisine, a quiche (IPA: [ki:ʃ]) is a baked dish that is based on a custard made from eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust. Usually, the pastry shell is blind baked before the other ingredients are added for a secondary baking period.W Generally quiche are savory flavored with herbs, meats or vegetables.

O.K, entertaining grasshoppers - listen up and rejoice, have I got a trick for expanding your entertainers' hats. Frozen appetizers. Some of you out there are cringing as you read those two words - fear not, no-one will shun or chastise you for taking a shortcut every now and then.

Even caterers and other culinary professionals have shortcuts they utilize when in a pinch. Rule one is to always have a backup plan - in case a disaster happens.

Before I start the reviewing of a product, I always like to do a little background on the company.

Nancy Mueller started in the '70's making appetizers in her own kitchen. People started referring her to their friends and eventually she started small production, supplying them to local grocers in San Fransisco, Ca.

In 1977, Nancy's Specialty Foods was born, ever since they have been producing on a large scale the company has successfully established partnerships with leading grocers & warehouse clubs nationwide. Nancy's has a full product line of frozen appetizers, desserts and entrées.

The Review:

Today I am reviewing Nancy's Petite Quiche, in the Lorraine (Swiss Cheddar & Real Bacon) and Florentine (Swiss & Spinach). I served these to family, which varied in ages 2 - 62yrs of age, while we watched U of O Ducks & OSU Beavers' civil war football game.

The quiche were packed in their own plastic recyclable tray with individual cups holding each mini quiche. There are microwave (for softer crust) & oven (for flakier crust) directions. I chose to use the oven directions which asked for a preheat of 375° F. Onto a cokie sheet I placed them 1/2 " apart. They baked for 14 minutes. After cooling them a bit they went on a serving tray.

Appearance:They looked edible, the crust was a nice golden brown with hints of carmelization in the right spots , the crust didn't sag. The filling looked appetizing and you could see pieces of the spinach and bacon laced throughout.

Texture / Mouth Feel: The crust was very flaky and light, when bitten into it was thin. The quiche filling had a good texture - you couldn't distinguish whether these quiches were commercial or not just by biting into them. The bits of spinach, onion or bacon was obvious, and natural.

Taste: Both quiches had a buttery crust with just enough salt. Thin crust enough not to overpower the quiche filling. Eggy-ness did not envelope the overall flavor, each quiche had a distinct flavor profile.

  • Lorraine (Bacon/Swiss): Very nice flavor, the filling had minced onion but that didn't overpower the other ingredients, just aided in accentuating them. The bacon could be tasted slightly throughout with nice smokiness, but definite bacon flavor when a bit landed in my mouth. Chives punctuated the onion. The Swiss added a nice flavor note and tied everything together. Nicely seasoned, not to salty.

  • Florentine (Swiss Cheese & Spinach): Small bits of spinach. Had a garlicky taste throughout. Nicely seasoned.

    I liked both of them, but I liked the Lorraine best. They were received well by the guests, everyone except my kids, because let's face it - quiche looks and sounds kind of funny to a 2 & 6 yr old. My mother-in law thought they tasted very flavorful. My husband didn't like the flaky crust and thought they were a bit dry and needed more flavor --- I disagree.

    These were in good form and didn't taste like a frozen appetizer. I will be honest and say that I wasn't expecting these to taste very good, I figured they would have a chemical taste and be greasy and bland.

    I was pleasantly surprised. I would be happy to serve these on the fly if I didn't have time to prepare anything from scratch. So give them a try and stock some in your freezer for those unexpected entertaining moments.

  • The Contest :

    Think you have what is takes to prove you aren't an "Entertainment Grasshopper"? Got some tips in your entertaining hat that could make or break an evening? Want to educate the Grasshoppers? Share your top 2 tips in the comments - The best tips will be featured in a post with your linked site url , such as below:

    Make tamales & freeze them, for easy thawing. - provided by Tamales Rock
    I will be choosing the best 60 quick entertaining tips from this post's comments, to be featured in the post. The Best of those tips - voted by you, the readers - will win a coupon for a free Nancy's Entree (good until April 30 2010), that will be mailed via snail mail.

    Make sure you link to your blogger profile or site url in the comments (please no anonymous), so I can contact you if you win.

    This is a great way to get PR for your site, as well as a back link. The contest starts now December 4th 2009 and will end at 12 a.m pacific time on Tuesday, December 8th 2009.

    That gives you 4 days to post your top 2 quick entertaining tips here in the comments, for a chance to win. Good Luck!



    2:02 AM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    great post,help a lot,thanks,wish all the best fromPoland


    Buy Fortune Cookies. Have each guest read fortune out loud to group adding "in bed" at the end of reading their fortune, as in "You will find much prosperity...in bed". Makes for a funny gut-busting mixer, really gets the party rolling.

    Mini Olympics. Take whatever games you have ping-pong, foosball, Wii, gameboys, darts, etc. and set up a mini Olympics for a party. Tell people that they must have a different partner for each game and that they must try to play against different teams each time. Give them a tally sheet to record game played, Won or Lost, and score. Tally up who won and award a girl and guy prize. Excellent way to get people mixing!

    2:00 PM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    I like the quiches by the photo, i have already appetite.

    3:41 PM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    Once a year I have Wild Women Day. Each friend brings a friend, a food that begins with the same letter as her first name(ie Julie brings Jello) and we bring new and gently used childrne books that I donate to a Detoit Public School.
    Diane Baum

    6:25 PM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    I always pick one signature cocktail so as not to become a bartender for the evening. I also have white & red wines available.

    I hate to run out of appetizers, so I always have extra put away in the freezer. If I see I am running low, I can just pop them in the oven.

    6:48 PM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    A 15 ounce an of refried beans, a cup of shredded, sharp cheddar cheese, a tablespoons of hot sauce, and 1/4 cup of milk can be combined and heated to make a quick and popular dip.
    1bmore @ gmail . com

    7:02 PM, December 05, 2009 Reply  

    I think I would love to try the seafood crab cakes. They look yummy :)

    4:07 AM, December 06, 2009 Reply  

    I like the quiches in the picture, looks very delicious. .. where can I find an exact recipe?

    11:20 AM, December 06, 2009 Reply  

    Soft music is always nice to have playing as there may be lolls in conversations by the guests and the silence will have been broken

    Always have finger foods readily available and in convenient places to take along with napkins and small plates


    9:27 PM, December 06, 2009 Reply  

    Id like to try the mini quiches. Thanks for the chance.

    1:25 AM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    Download a whole selection of music onto your mp3 player specifically selected for your theme or your particular guests. Then play it during the party. Mix it up and be eclectic, go from slow ballads to instrumentals to dance music to keep your party moods changing and bubbling.

    1:37 AM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    Oh, that looks so good! I know what I'm going to eat tonight ;)


    7:21 AM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    The mini quiches look incredibly appetizing... Thank you for the post.

    8:59 AM, December 07, 2009 Reply  


    5:25 PM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    Nice Blog, Look Delicious

    feel free to check out my wordpress blog sometime http://mma2go.wordpress.com

    7:54 PM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    Some cut up velvetta and a can of chili beans (drained) heated up in the microwave makes a fast and easy dip. Doesn't taste that bad either. Adding meat makes it better but that also adds to the time to prepare.

    10:46 PM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    I think it's fun when there's a theme. For instance for a superbowl party you could have everyone dress in the colors of the team they're rooting for, make a cheese ball shaped like a football, give the foods football names (touchdown tacos, half time ham, field goal fajitas, kickoff kabobs, etc). You can even play a game where everyone guesses the final score! Of course there's lots of other themes, too! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

    10:53 PM, December 07, 2009 Reply  

    Have a fun potluck dinner with friends. Put the names of dishes in a hat and then have each guest pick what they will bring. You can have main dish, dessert, side dishes, drinks etc.

    3:31 AM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    That mini quiches looks great and make me want to eat now :)
    Great Post

    4:31 AM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    Quiches looks very delicious, that looks so good, i like it. hehe

    5:59 AM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    On a counter in my kitchen is a three tiered stack of plates and silverware. Next to it is a wine holder that holds On one counter in my kitchen we have set up year roun2 bottles of wine and glasses. I keep appetizers made up in freezer. We can have an impromtu party in a hurry. I also have a drawer with different kinds of fun napkins. rosans4@comcast.net

    10:08 AM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    looks dellicious.. yummy.. makes me hungry

    1:42 PM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    Oh your quiches look like little bites of heaven!

    3:25 PM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    The mini quiches look wonderful :)

    ktgonyea at gmail.com

    7:43 PM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    When I throw a party I always have music on in the background and candles lit in the main rooms. If it's cold outside I'll have the fire lit.If it's hot outside I'll make sure the house has fans on in each room,(we don't have AC)!Nancy's quiches are part of the menu every party,so simple and delicious!

    11:27 PM, December 08, 2009 Reply  

    Oh my god......it makes me hungry

    1:16 AM, December 09, 2009 Reply  

    I wouldn't say this is entertaining, but sure it's fun: when my friends and I are in the mood for something sweet we have a "blender party"; we blend all kinds of fruits with all kinds of ice creams and drinks, and some of the mixtures are really good.:)Happy Holidays everyone!

    7:41 AM, December 09, 2009 Reply  

    Hi friends, thanks for info.... it's look delicious

    7:23 PM, December 10, 2009 Reply  

    A nice Red Zin would go fantastic with this dish. Try a Rancho Zabaco Zinfandel...guaranteed to add to the quality of this quiche dish.

    7:49 PM, December 10, 2009 Reply  

    iam just want to say have a fun with your work. And after I read this review, Im going to plan to make it. Because look very delicious and make me hungry to see...

    1:07 AM, December 11, 2009 Reply  

    Can't stop thinking about the buttery crust. Hehe. Thanks for sharing this. It's really mouth watering.

    1:40 AM, December 11, 2009 Reply  

    First let me finish this comment and then go to kitchen so shall I could eat something because I am feeling hunger after seeing this delicious recipe.

    5:49 AM, December 11, 2009 Reply  

    looks very delicious... :)

    8:31 AM, December 11, 2009 Reply  

    Wonderful article,thanks for putting this together! This is obviously one great post. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here. Keep it up!

    11:13 AM, December 11, 2009 Reply  

    hi there, i just want to tell you your site is very informative, i like them. hope you sharing more for us. keep going ya :D

    9:53 AM, December 12, 2009 Reply  

    The mini quiches look incredibly appetizing... Thank you for the post.

    2:52 AM, December 24, 2009 Reply  

    The quiche looks so luscious and sumptuous. I can't wait to steal a bite from the picture itself.

    1:28 PM, January 08, 2010 Reply  

    Those quiches look so yummy my mouth is watering. If only I was a judge, right now!! I think I am going to try my luck at making some tonight.

    8:25 AM, January 11, 2010 Reply  

    Those quiches look amazing - great post :)

    7:35 AM, February 04, 2010 Reply  

    It is so nice when you go home to someone and get a appetizer like this, it really makes you feel welcomed.

    2:09 AM, February 10, 2010 Reply  

    Thanks for this Article. It's first time that I am reading article about quiche and I did not hear something about this dish but a you said "a quiche is a baked dish that is based on a custard made from eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust" so I'll must try this.
    Thanks again

    1:04 PM, February 22, 2010 Reply  

    Basically i eat all the time so to see those pictures makes me way hungry.

    8:56 PM, February 22, 2010 Reply  

    What a pretty dish you presents every time. beautiful and very tempting!

    11:32 AM, March 11, 2010 Reply  

    I am for sure a grasshopper. Entertaining is not my cup of tea although I would like it to be. If these quiche are the same ones that you can buy at Costco, and I think they are, they are outstanding. I don't eat them often as they are so high in calories but they are soooo good.

    7:51 AM, March 18, 2010 Reply  

    Great information and very good page Web. A long time ago it looked for to inform to me on this subject and this site me has been helpful. Thank you very much and congratulations.

    7:40 PM, March 22, 2010 Reply  

    The Quiches reveal the penchant you have for stylish delicious dishes. I envy your talent. Keep it up.

    btw, I am surprised the way you modify your blogger site. I had to cross check the url to verify.

    12:00 PM, March 25, 2010 Reply  

    The Petite Quiche sounds really great. Your describing the flaky texture sounds just ideal. My mom makes really good quiche, but she puts potatoes in hers, which is nice but she never gets them sliced thin enough - very bothersome.

    6:46 AM, March 31, 2010 Reply  

    Astonishing I want a quiche right now, I ma so hungry. I found the original receipt on web an am gonna bake them tonight for my husband.

    2:11 PM, March 31, 2010 Reply  

    Everytime I try to bake or cook, it never comes out as good as pictured.

    3:45 AM, April 07, 2010 Reply  

    A very mouth watering article that I found while searching for mini quiche recipes. If these were available where I am I could save myself a whole lot of kitchen stress. Great food images BTW.

    5:13 PM, April 12, 2010 Reply  

    It makes me hungry when read this Sir.

    7:41 PM, April 26, 2010 Reply  

    The quiche really looks appetizing...perfect as finger-food treats on get-togethers!

    11:00 AM, April 30, 2010 Reply  

    looks like it's yummy, great posting

    You described the mini-quiches so well, I could almost taste them! Oven baked is definitely preferred to microwave reheated, as microwave ovens just don't crisp things adequately.

    My party tip will be too late for the contest, but I'd like to share it regardless. Don't throw the potato peels away, but deep fry them and serve with a cram cheese or avocado based dip.

    12:01 AM, May 24, 2010 Reply  

    mmmm, looks great. i have to try it. it sounds easy to make. thanks guys.

    6:27 AM, May 27, 2010 Reply  

    sounds delicious make me become hungry
    actually what is the green spot near the cakes?
    is it a vegie?
    nice post

    1:05 AM, May 29, 2010 Reply  

    I have tried cooking this astonishing quiches, they are great, but I think that my nutrition will kill me for doing this.

    7:25 AM, June 04, 2010 Reply  

    After looking at all those stuff- U just wish to have something from it- just a piece

    2:31 AM, June 07, 2010 Reply  

    I liked the comment above about each person bringing a food beginning with the first letter of their name. It should bring out some interesting variety so will try it at my next party.

    3:19 AM, June 10, 2010 Reply  

    Yum these quiches look great! I'm also a fan of using frozen appetisers for dinner parties. Why stress making them when you can buy something just as delicious and then concentrate on cooking an amazing main course?!

    8:53 PM, June 17, 2010 Reply  

    i like this, yummy....

    12:25 PM, June 24, 2010 Reply  

    woaw.... looks very good. it make me hungry

    1:52 AM, June 25, 2010 Reply  

    It is important to have your guest entertained when they visit our house.there are many entertainments you can provide but i always like to do the following things to keep my guest entertained:first i turn on some music which best fits the environment & taste & after the dinner or supper i usually gather my guest in my living room & starts playing some games like cards,monopoly etc.this two techniques always works for me.

    9:35 PM, June 28, 2010 Reply  

    great post i really like it.
    keep posting stuff like this

    9:50 PM, July 03, 2010 Reply  

    I love quiches! I am craving to buy some!

    1:35 PM, July 05, 2010 Reply  

    Oh those look divine!!

    3:08 AM, July 15, 2010 Reply  

    I like her products..haven't tried the mini quiche though but the appetizers like the turnover and deli roll are very nice...easy to prepare especially if your having people come over.

    12:29 PM, July 15, 2010 Reply  

    Quiches are excellent for little parties as they're easy to eat by hand and taste wonderful! (At least I think so :) Also they're not your everyday snack or dish so it gives an exotic touch.

    Those would be perfect as an appetizer at a wedding or other similar event. Easy too which is nice when planning a big event.

    3:53 AM, July 16, 2010 Reply  

    Yam-mi,Those Quiche looks very tasty.In my view its really a pretty cool dish.I 'll surely try at my home.Thanks for the nice article.
    bollywood movies

    1:49 AM, August 05, 2010 Reply  

    your blog is too fine. Thanks for sharing this.

    I like quiche and the picture of it. I guess this is a good dessert foe everyone. :)

    9:11 AM, August 09, 2010 Reply  

    That looks great - now I'm hungry :)

    5:10 AM, September 08, 2010 Reply  

    Wow... those look sooooo good. I think those filled with yummy cheese and herbs would be awesome.

    5:12 AM, September 08, 2010 Reply  

    Those look really good. What about making some with spinach, and garlic?

    11:58 AM, September 08, 2010 Reply  

    My sister in law just got done at johnson and wales baking program and can make some of the best quiches

    4:46 AM, October 29, 2010 Reply  

    I like the quiches in the picture, looks very delicious...

    1:19 PM, November 03, 2010 Reply  

    Good info...I think they are, they are outstanding. I don't eat them often as they are so high in calories but they are so good.

    5:19 AM, November 10, 2010 Reply  

    There are a lot of baked dishes in Frech cuisine. Some are famous around the world.

    7:41 PM, November 10, 2010 Reply  

    What a yummy dish you presents every time. Very tempting!

    9:49 AM, November 13, 2010 Reply  

    I like how in all your photos, you take extra care to make sure the placement of the food brings out its tastiness. Great job on the cooking as well as the photography!

    1:04 AM, November 17, 2010 Reply  

    i just love Mini Quiches , they are perfect for cocktails hour whenever i have some people over.

    3:31 PM, December 14, 2010 Reply  

    That's good but where the spinach?

    2:23 AM, December 24, 2010 Reply  

    Well it looks so delicious.. but as I'm health conscious girl, please tell me will quiche increase my fat level????

    5:25 AM, January 27, 2011 Reply  

    hmmm, that looks great. thanks for tip :)

    1:54 AM, February 13, 2011 Reply  

    Those look really good, but they look kind of small. They would be awesome if they were pie sized mmmmm

    1:59 AM, March 25, 2011 Reply  

    Hey,I love this,I'm also a fan of using frozen appetisers for dinner parties. Why stress making them when you can buy something just as delicious and then concentrate on cooking an amazing main course?I also love coffee with that, so for that coffee machine is needed, so get one!hahaha, lol !! :D

    9:40 PM, March 27, 2011 Reply  

    Quiches in the picture looks great, I would like to have that right now....so yummmmmmm !!! :D lol

    11:26 AM, March 29, 2011 Reply  

    This is a very good way to bring food by each person in a special day.

    9:55 AM, April 03, 2011 Reply  

    Mmmm! My mother loves quiches so I'm going to make her some for Mother's Day.

    yummy.... i like this..

    8:56 AM, April 11, 2011 Reply  

    Yummy! Gonna try it as an entree, looks defintely delicious. I love french cuisine!!

    5:57 AM, April 12, 2011 Reply  

    Wow, looks yummy and delicious..Uhhhmm.. Thanks for the great review..:)

    The very mention of quiche used to make me cringe. I remember at birthday parties growing up my mum always used to make them for us and they were always still there at the end and to be honest I never knew what was actually in them they just didn't look or smell very nice. I came across this blog and thought Mmmm that actually sounds quite nice so today it was quite a nice day so my boyfriend and I wanted to fly my radio controlled helicopter and I thought lets make a day of it and have a nice picnic. Well cut a long story short I bought some quiche and gave it a go and it was yummy. I'm a converted quiche eater, thanks for the blog I've been missing out :)

    4:24 AM, April 30, 2011 Reply  

    an interesting article, it makes people who read them so hungry. ... mama mia ... yuumm.

    2:06 PM, May 27, 2011 Reply  

    This is a yummiest post I have ever read! Keep it up! :)

    8:13 PM, June 03, 2011 Reply  

    nice post

    4:08 AM, September 16, 2011 Reply  

    Wow.. I am now hungry to have one, will surely try this
    thanks for sharing

    7:23 PM, September 22, 2011 Reply  

    The points that the information stated are all first hand on actual experiences even aid more. Go on performing what you do as we appreciate reading your function.

    6:16 PM, January 01, 2012 Reply  

    Genuinely amazed! Things are all extremely, specific as well as wide open. You've shared plenty of important details.

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