Photography : Cakes
. Baking Photographs, Cake, chocolate, Digital Color Photography, photographyDecorated with rasberry mouse , white Callebautchocolate "windmill", shaved white Callebaut chocolate on the side.
Decorated with rasberry mouse , white Callebautchocolate "windmill", shaved white Callebaut chocolate on the side.
I'm not a big white chocolate fan but man..this looks good. great job amber. P.S. The new design....very nice.
originally posted to haloscan 04/10/05
I appreciate your comments J.T , very much. These were very fun to make...but the damn chocolate kept melting all over our hands. As for the new design ; The previous design was a bit bohemian - free flowing and no real orginization or structure. It needed some updating. I have wanted something like this for sometime - but I have been too busy as of late to recode. I will keep it like this I think - for a long, long time.
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